This is a great first game for Koopa/ Bowser's minions, but there are a few levels that were tedious because of the controls. Plus keep in mind that I think you should have made the controls so that anybody can do certain commands with any key because I tried playing this game on my macbook and it makes it even more difficult to work with the controls because every time I try to jump, my window scrolls down the page making me unable to see what I am doing. This all wouldn't be a problem if you can choose which keys make you do what. Plenty of online flash games and even emulator games have this. I really hope in the sequel you make it possible to do this. Other than that, I think this is a great game. Level designs are good and the boss fights are different. The final boss fight with Mario was something totally surprising but unique. Yes I actually did beat this game regardless of the slippery control scheme, but this was when I played it on the PC. Even though I beat it for the PC, Mac users still shouldn't be limited to only being able to play the game and beat the game on PCs because that isn't fair to them. Any kind of computer should be able to play this game fluently.
I know it seems like I am ranting a lot, but I really do like this game. It's mostly the controls that are an issue, even for PC users. Once you touch them up on not only this game, but the sequel, this game can be nearly a perfect game. :) It still deserves respect nonetheless. I really want to see what happened to Bowser, so when the sequel is completed, I will surely check it out!